When Earth was a Snowball
01.22.2018 |
The Earth hasn't always been the blue, hospitable planet it is today. On at least three occasions our planet was completely covered with ice. How did the Earth get into this state and, above all, how did it manage to get out of it?
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The Music of Antiquity
01.17.2018 |
From Egyptian harps to Roman cornua (trumpets), from Mesopotamian songs to Greek hymns, not to mention a wealth of vases, frescoes, statues, and tablets, testifying to the importance of music in ancient societies: an exhibition called “Music! Echoes of Antiquity” which originated in France but is now headed to other European cities, lends an ear to the early Western civilizations.
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First Exoplanet Challenge for a Nanosatellite
01.12.2018 |
With their small size of several tens of centimeters and relatively low cost, nanosatellites—known as “CubeSats”—open up new scientific vistas. PicSat, launched on January 12, will be the first such instrument dedicated to the observation on an exoplanet.
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Also this month
Revealing Hidden Layers of Art
01.18.2018 |
Engineering An international research team has upgraded an imaging method able to unveil, in high-resolution 3D, the structure of layers below the surface of paintings and other objects, opening up new prospects for art-history investigations—and much more. |
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French High Tech in Las Vegas
01.08.2018 |
innovation Among the thousands of exhibitors at the Consumer Electronics Show 2018, the world's largest consumer tech trade show, we put the spotlight on four young French start-ups that have come to showcase their innovations. |
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Light to Fight Cancer
01.11.2018 |
Health By targeting cancer cells with a laser, photodynamic therapy—which is used in both dermatology and oncology—can provide new opportunities to treat certain tumors such as those that affect the prostate or brain. Introduced in France in the 1980s, this rapidly developing technique represents fresh... |
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Debunking the Tragedy of the Commons
01.05.2018 |
Economics Common ownership of a resource causes its demise. This was what a biologist had concluded in a 1968 paper published in Science. His article, "The Tragedy of the Commons" has shaped the economic and political thought of the last decades. The historian Fabien Locher explains the stakes of this debate... |
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The New Silk Roads: China’s World Ambitions
01.04.2018 |
Geopolitics China’s “One Belt One Road” initiative aims to connect the country with the Middle East, Africa and Europe, by land and sea, through a network of new “silk roads.” Economist Jean-François Huchet analyzes the geopolitical impact of this unprecedented project. |
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The Physics of the Guitar
Acoustics The guitar is one of the most popular instruments in the world. And yet we still know little about how its materials, geometry, and assembly interact to shape its final sound. In this video, we meet the researchers who are trying to uncover the secrets of the favorite instrument of Django Reinhardt... |
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A Bloom for Ocean Robots
01.15.2018 |
Oceanography Robots deployed in the North Atlantic Ocean have probed the rarely observed winter growth patterns of phytoplankton and established the starting point of the bloom periods of these microalgae, vital for fighting the greenhouse effect. |
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