With its sizeable capacity to absorb atmospheric CO2 from greenhouse emissions, the ocean is a key weapon in our fight against global warming, employed in a growing number of climate-regulation and...
The Earth hasn't always been the blue, hospitable planet it is today. On at least three occasions our planet was completely covered with ice. How did the Earth get into this state and, above all...
Chemists have synthetized—and for the first time experimentally analyzed—a molecule based on an extremely unstable form of thulium, one of the lanthanide metals whose startling properties lend them...
For the first time, a complete report on methane emissions has been published. After stabilizing in the early 2000s, methane concentrations in the atmosphere began to increase again in 2007, rising...
Using laboratory experiments and computer simulations, scientists are seeking to uncover the secrets of combustion. Their aim is to design engines that are less polluting and energy-hungry.
To curb the amount of CO2 present in the atmosphere, researchers would like to use it to produce polymers, fuel, or even construction materials. Game on!