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Newsletter October 2016

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This month in science (October 2016)
digital article
Claire Voisin, 2016 CNRS Gold Medal
Award The mathematician, a specialist in the field of algebraic geometry, is awarded the 2016 CNRS Gold Medal, France's highest scientific distinction.
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space article
Rosetta: the End of an Odyssey
astrophysics Astrophysicist and comet specialist Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd has been involved in the Rosetta project since its early stages. She shares her insight on this extraordinary space mission which is set to end this Friday September 30th.
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matter earth article
A Bright Future for Solar Energy?
Energy Between hope, disappointment and spectacular progress, research on photovoltaic solar energy is rapidly gathering pace. We examine the most promising trends in this field with photovoltaic energy experts Daniel Lincot and Pere Roca i Cabarrocas.
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Also this month
digital article
Storing Scientific Data for the Future
Big Data As the massive amounts of data produced by research continue to increase exponentially, the issue of data storage has become crucial, both for preserving our scientific heritage and to enable their use by the scientific community.
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life billet
Why Are Some Organs more Susceptible to Cancer?
Health Cancer does not affect all our organs in the same way. To understand this phenomenon, a new approach consists in considering each part of the body as an ecosystem. Frederic Thomas, co-author of a recent article on the subject which made the cover of Trends in Cancer, sheds light on this emerging...
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space article
Gaia: the Great Galactic Map
Astronomy The Gaia mission team unveiled its catalogue of celestial bodies in our galaxy in September 2016. This colossal inventory charts the positions and luminosities of over 1 billion objects in the Milky Way and beyond.
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digital article
Hybrid Technology Takes to the Skies
Engineering A new project aims to develop hybrid propulsion technologies for future generations of planes, thus lowering their environmental impact.
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life diaporama
Change in the Channel
Oceanography Every fortnight, researchers at the Roscoff Marine Station set sail to chart the evolution of the coastal ecosystem. They take the pulse of a Channel subjected to the effects of climate change and human activities.
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society billet
Authorship in Science: All for One?
Research Today, researchers are still primarily evaluated on their contributions to articles published in scientific journals. But what is the real value of such contributions when there are several dozen or hundred authors on a single article, an increasingly common scenario? Sociologist David Pontille...
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digital billet
Go's Next Move: Machine Translation?
Artificial Intelligence The recent advances in the field of artificial intelligence have been impressive, as illustrated by the AlphaGo program's victory over world Go Champion Lee Se-dol. Yet there are still areas where algorithms do not surpass humans, such as translation. François Yvon, a specialist on the topic,...
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life article
The Seas Have Ears
Bioacoustics Boats, helicopters, drilling platforms, sonar, wind turbines... Manmade noises are having a preoccupying impact on marine animals. Researchers are trying to learn more about noise pollution and its effects on wildlife.
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