Alexandre Grothendieck, who is considered one of the founders of modern algebraic geometry, left a considerable mark on mathematics through his genius and his reflections on his time. Ten years after his death, the mathematician Leila Schneps revisits his...
In the aftermath of the fire, the French Ministry of Culture and the CNRS implemented a vast scientific effort to support the restoration of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. One of the projects was creating a virtual twin of the monument. A discussion with...
At the cutting edge of robotics, the teams at the Joint Robotics Laboratory (JRL) in Japan recently worked on Friends, a humanoid personal assistance robot. Friends is as effective when autonomous as when controlled by an operator, and can switch from one...
Single-cell technologies for the analysis of genomic data enable scientists to better study tissue mechanisms and heterogeneity at the scale of a cell. They also generate masses of wide-ranging data that takes cell biology into a new era.
Robots measuring a few dozen micrometres are now capable of grasping, pushing, and even “feeling” cells! These astounding micromachines, designed at the French Institute for Intelligent Systems and...
How did Australopitecus, Homo habilis and our other ancestors or "cousins" walk? To find out, the biomechanists and computer scientists from the HoBis project are modelling the movements of humans...
It is an event that has shaken up the small world of robotics: a nanorobot named MiGriBot (Miniaturized Gripper Robot) just broke the world speed record for object manipulation. Behind this...