Can specially trained dogs be used for coronavirus screening? A research team in northeastern France is investigating the premise that the canine sense of smell can help prevent the emergence of new...
EasyCov, a diagnostic test developed by researchers from the French laboratory Sys2diag goes on the market today. Portable, it can be carried out anywhere and gives its result in under an hour.
In March, an Italian study claiming that pollution particles could be a vector for spreading SARS-CoV-2 made the headlines. The physicist and chemist Jean-François Doussin explains why this thesis...
The Paris-based ISC-PIF Institute has published a series of maps generated from automated analysis of all scientific publications devoted to Covid-19. Its director explains the value of these...
An interview with Grégoire Borst, director of the Laboratory for the Psychology of Child Development and Education (LaPsyDÉ) on how cognitive bias influences people’s behaviour – both in everyday...
From his home in Montpellier (southern France), the philosopher Edgar Morin reaffirms his global vision of society. The coronavirus epidemic, he says, ought to improve our understanding of science...