Faced with the massive increase in the volume of information processed by data centres, Datazero research projects have been striving since 2015 to develop algorithms that can optimise their energy consumption and accessibility. The computer science researcher Jean-Marc Pierson initiated this programme to develop more environmentally friendly data centres.
With the Covid-19 pandemic, scientists are subjected to a barrage of sollicitations, calling upon them to address the population’s concerns and advise those in charge. Public trust seems to be...
What would we do without them? Digital tools allow a majority of people under confinement to palliate the imposed seclusion, continue working or studying and find entertainment. At the same time, due...
Buildings inspired by plant architecture to better capture sunlight are the projects proposed by the brothers Teva Vernoux and Nicolas Vernoux-Thélot, a biologist and architect, respectively.
Despite the infinite diversity of life, a great many of the most important characteristics of living species, such as growth and metabolism, are governed by universal laws — but not as previously...
Who invented the Dothraki spoken by Daenerys in Game of Thrones? What linguistic theory is the basis for the language spoken by the extra-terrestrials in the film Arrival? Frédéric Landragin, author...
This year, the world will produce 360 million tons of plastics. From their disposal in the environment to implications on human health, this has become a major societal issue. The chemists and...