The actress Hedy Lamarr died 25 years ago. A brilliant inventor, she devised a system for encoding data transmissions that became widely used in telecommunications. But for decades, history has remembered her only as a Hollywood movie star. As the world celebrates International Women’s Day this month, two women scientists provide an insight into her inventions and their impact in later years.
The exceptional discovery of a settlement dating from 3,000 BC, in the Marais de Saint-Gond region in northeastern France, sheds light on the still largely unknown way of life of Neolithic societies.
As opposed to black holes, white holes are thought to eject matter and light while never absorbing any. Detecting these as yet hypothetical objects could not only provide evidence of quantum gravity...
In the context of the 2024 edition of Brain Awareness Week currently being held in France, CNRS News highlights the advances made in the field of autism. Once considered the result of a rare,...
A newly-discovered fossil deposit in the foothills of the Montagne Noire range in southern France has yielded unprecedented evidence of marine biodiversity from half a billion years ago.
The CNRS cryptologist Benjamin Wesolowski explains how to strengthen cryptographic methods, with a view to increasing their resistance to the potential emergence of the quantum computer.