Based in Namibia, the H.E.S.S. telescope array monitors the showers of particles produced when the highest-energy cosmic rays ever observed in the Universe impact the Earth's atmosphere.
As opposed to black holes, white holes are thought to eject matter and light while never absorbing any. Detecting these as yet hypothetical objects could not only provide evidence of quantum gravity...
The astrophysicist Jean-Luc Atteia explains why the exceptional gamma-ray burst detected in early October could dramatically change what we know about supernovae and black holes.
Based on observations by the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, a team of astronomers has discovered a new type of stellar explosion. A million times less powerful than novae...
Virgo and LIGO have just announced the detection of gravitational waves produced by the oldest and most massive source ever observed. The discovery reveals the existence of a class of black holes...
The Gaia mission team unveiled its catalogue of celestial bodies in our galaxy in September 2016. This colossal inventory charts the positions and luminosities of over 1 billion objects in the Milky...