With the release of the documentary film Dahomey, which follows France’s restitution of twenty-six works of art to Benin, various research teams continue to work on the return of African cultural...
Throughout history, on every continent, women have been killed because they were women. In order to study the particular nature of this type of violence and analyse its causes, researchers insist...
An emblematic figure in the fight against the death penalty in France, Robert Badinter died on 9 February 2024. CNRS News looks back at a long and turbulent struggle that fuelled the political and...
In April 2019, the European Parliament passed new legislation providing greater protection for whistleblowers. What will be the concrete effects of this law called for by the UN and European civil...
Do guide dogs, sheep dogs and circus animals actually work? They do, say the researchers of the COW project, for these animals use their intelligence and sensitivity to perform tasks that require...