At the cutting edge of robotics, the teams at the Joint Robotics Laboratory (JRL) in Japan recently worked on Friends, a humanoid personal assistance robot. Friends is as effective when autonomous as...
After the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster in March 2011, the Japanese authorities decided to clean up the region impacted by the radioactive plume. Olivier Evrard, a researcher in...
After two months of lockdown, have we become like the hikikomori – the Japanese youngsters who choose to live in isolation, shunning the outside world? Natacha Vellut, a psychosociologist at the...
Cécile Asanuma-Brice, a sociologist and urbanist living in Japan, discusses how successive economic models have been transforming the country’s urban landscapes for more than a century.
China’s “One Belt One Road” initiative aims to connect the country with the Middle East, Africa and Europe, by land and sea, through a network of new “silk roads.” Economist Jean-François Huchet...