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Cyril Aymonier, Lydéric Bocquet and Eleni Diamanti are the three recipients of the CNRS 2024 Innovation Medal, which rewards male and female scientists whose research has led to groundbreaking...
Sophie Brouard, Daniel Hissel, Arnaud Landragin and Franck Molina are the CNRS 2020 Innovation Medallists. Since 2011, the CNRS Innovation Medal rewards figures whose exceptional research work has...
EasyCov, a diagnostic test developed by researchers from the French laboratory Sys2diag goes on the market today. Portable, it can be carried out anywhere and gives its result in under an hour.
A number of start-ups linked to labs at the CNRS attended the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020 earlier this month, the famous international trade fair for new technologies.
In Paris, traffic problems are nothing new, as people were already trying to find solutions to help ease the flow during the 1920s. Evidence of this can be found in images from a project for a moving...
The history of innovation is also a history of failures. Here are a few examples taken from the archives of the Direction des inventions, one of the ancestors of the CNRS.