White dwarfs are the extremely dense, compact remnants of stars that have ended their lives, and are at the origin of tremendous explosions known as novae. This phenomenon (not to be confused with...
Researchers have discovered a potential natural hydrogen deposit under the coalfields of the northeastern French Lorraine region – possibly the world’s largest reserve of this gas!
In the quest for a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, hydrogen is a serious contender. But it still has to be tamed... In this report, a number of researchers and industrialists retrace the...
Based on observations by the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, a team of astronomers has discovered a new type of stellar explosion. A million times less powerful than novae...
At the bottom of mines or beneath the ocean floor, drillings reveal the presence of vast communities of microorganisms in the subsurface of our planet. Scientists believe this could be due to natural...