With the release of the documentary film Dahomey, which follows France’s restitution of twenty-six works of art to Benin, various research teams continue to work on the return of African cultural...
JUICE, the first European-led space mission to Jupiter, is scheduled to launch in April. The aim of this major undertaking is to explore the gas giant and its icy moons.
Restoring our oceans, seas, and coastal and inland waters by 2030 is the goal of the Horizon Europe programme's Mission Starfish 2030. Agathe Euzen, deputy scientific director of the CNRS...
To round off our series, taken from the book “Chroniques de l'Europe” published by CNRS Éditions, join Belgian women workers on strike for equal pay, find out how America's Internet...
In this third episode in our series, made up of excerpts from the book “Chroniques de l'Europe” published by CNRS Éditions, we retrace the long journey of European women to the ballot box,...
In this second episode in our series, we meet the first women admitted to university, hark back to the plague and the cordon sanitaire, and set sail for the poles, where science was taking its first...