White dwarfs are the extremely dense, compact remnants of stars that have ended their lives, and are at the origin of tremendous explosions known as novae. This phenomenon (not to be confused with...
On 24 September, 2023, material collected three years earlier from the surface of asteroid Bennu was successfully returned to Earth by the OSIRIS-REx mission. Some thirty laboratories around the...
As the 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP24) continues in Poland, one particular issue is triggering much interest from scientists: the 4p1000 initiative. Behind this code name lies...
The first material of its kind, with a thickness of just one atom, graphene has opened the way to the development of other ultra-thin substances. Now being produced and studied in the laboratory,...
Why not use organic waste from domestic refuse to make tomorrow's cosmetics and plastics? Ongoing research by chemistry labs in this area could turn biomass into a plausible alternative to...
The climate essentially depends on the ocean, which acts as a real "carbon pump" and heat reservoir. Biologist Françoise Gaill asks for political consideration of the ocean in the coming...