With the release of the documentary film Dahomey, which follows France’s restitution of twenty-six works of art to Benin, various research teams continue to work on the return of African cultural...
Haunted houses, ghosts, spirits… From Mongolia to the United Kingdom, the anthropologist Grégory Delaplace investigates the various ways in which the dead manifest themselves to the living. He takes...
Why did Homo sapiens get itchy feet, ultimately colonising the entire planet? How have cultural factors influenced our genetic makeup? The geneticist and anthropologist Évelyne Heyer recounts the...
With the recent release of the sequel to James Cameron’s blockbuster, we asked the anthropologist Perig Pitrou for his analysis of the first instalment. Beyond nature and culture, what...
For the anthropologist Philippe Descola, the Covid-19 pandemic may be the opportunity to re-examine Western societies’ relations with nature and develop new social models.
From French song writing to the mishaps of political parties, globalisation and secularism, the philosopher-sociologist Edgar Morin has turned his inquisitive mind to a wide range of topics. Yet even...