The deep seabed, a little-known world under threat
06.20.2023 |
Deep sea mining in international waters could be authorised as early as this year. And yet by affecting the ocean's ability to store carbon, there is a risk this industry could endanger ecosystems whose value and importance scientists are only just beginning to grasp. In the wake of Oceans Day earlier this month, CNRS News takes a look at some of the issues involved.
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Amazonians face the dilemma of deforestation
06.27.2023 |
Whether urban or rural, younger or older, inhabitants of the Amazon basin are torn between protecting the forest and promoting economic development. The CNRS researcher Lauriane Mouysset has launched the Amazonas project, which combines science and photography, to give them a voice and analyse their points of view.
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Boarding the ships of the APERO campaign
06.27.2023 |
APERO, one of the most ambitious oceanographic campaigns in recent memory, takes on the challenge of studying the biological carbon pump in the mesopelagic zone, located between 200 and 1,000 metres below the ocean surface.
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Also this month
Modelling the lungs for personalised medicine
06.22.2023 |
Biology Modelling lung mechanics on all of the scales characteristic of the organ is currently lacking, especially when it comes to understanding the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary fibrosis. To meet this need, researchers are developing an algorithm that can generate an actual digital twin of a... |
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Neanderthals were artists too
06.29.2023 |
Archaeology Engravings discovered in France, in the Loire valley, are the work of Neanderthals, confirming that our distant cousins were not cognitively inferior to modern humans of that period.
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The history of the Amazonian climate lies on the seabed
06.27.2023 |
Oceanography Until 3 July, a major oceanographic campaign is being conducted off the coast of Brazil. Among other things, the researchers are coring marine sediments, collecting atmospheric dust, and sampling water, all with the aim of elucidating the role of the Amazon region in the Earth's climate system.
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The birth of exoplanets
Astronomy Located at an altitude of 2,500 metres on the Bure plateau in the Alps, the Noema international observatory is the most powerful radio telescope in the northern hemisphere. Thanks to the data collected by its twelve antennas pointed in the same direction, astronomers can study the disks of gas... |
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Political propaganda on record
History Political speeches, militant or folk songs... discover a few priceless gems from the over 900 propaganda records produced in France in the twentieth century by political organisations of all stripes. The brand new PSXX platform brings together this forgotten audio heritage, which historians can now... |
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Bodily waste: matter for thought
06.30.2023 |
Anthropology How do wealthy industrialised societies dispose of their excrement? Research led by the anthropologist Marine Legrand on contemporary management methods for human urine and faecal matter provides an overview. A subject that is both surprising and fascinating if you look into it! |
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