The CNRS 2022 Innovation Medal laureates
06.14.2022 |
Jacques Marteau, Pierre Nassoy, Denis Spitzer, and Céline Vallot are the four laureates of the CNRS 2022 Innovation Medal. This distinction honours personalities whose exceptional research work has led to significant technological, economic, therapeutic, or social innovation, thereby promoting French scientific research.
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The laboratory comet
The aim of several scientists is to trace the changes of a comet during its journey through the Solar System by reproducing the thermal and light characteristics of the cosmos in the laboratory. This will enable them to understand where the elements that formed the Earth came from and to track down the first traces of life.
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Plants adopt new strategies to survive in cities
06.20.2022 |
Ecology Whether between paving stones, on the edges of pavements, or along walls, wild plants are surreptitiously settling in cities. They can even adapt to the urban environment through genetic evolution, explains the ecologist Pierre-Olivier Cheptou.
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IA leads the charge against multiple sclerosis
06.12.2022 |
Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence may enable earlier diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, an incurable disease that attacks the central nervous system. This could improve the efficacy of treatments designed to slow its progression. |
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Construction, a future worksite for mechanics
06.21.2022 |
Mechanics How can a building's structure be optimised in order to adhere to exacting security standards, all while reducing its environmental impact? This is the challenge faced by scientists in the highly-active field of mechanics.
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Biomechanics off to a flying start in BMX racing
06.09.2022 |
biomechanics BMX racing, which has been an Olympic sport since 2008, is the cycling event that requires to apply the greatest force to pedals. Researchers at the Pprime Institute were approached to help competitors and their trainers better assess their movements and improve their performance.
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Greening data centres
06.23.2022 |
Computer science Faced with the massive increase in the volume of information processed by data centres, Datazero research projects have been striving since 2015 to develop algorithms that can optimise their energy consumption and accessibility. The computer science researcher Jean-Marc Pierson initiated this... |
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