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This month in science (March 2024)
matter space article
Are white holes dawning at last?
astrophysics As opposed to black holes, white holes are thought to eject matter and light while never absorbing any. Detecting these as yet hypothetical objects could not only provide evidence of quantum gravity but also explain the origin of dark matter.
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life article
Putting our organs on chips
Portrait Initially trained in biology and chemistry, Stéphanie Descroix now works in a highly multidisciplinary research field, that of microfluidics, a technology that enables the creation of mini-organs on chips. These tools offer vast perspectives, especially in oncology.
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life society article
Autism in a new light
Biology In the context of the 2024 edition of Brain Awareness Week currently being held in France, CNRS News highlights the advances made in the field of autism. Once considered the result of a rare, incurable disease, autism spectrum disorders are now the subject of intense research efforts that are improving the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.
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Also this month
space article
Archaeology goes galactic
Astronomy Galactic archaeology uses state-of-the-art telescopes to reconstruct the history of our Milky Way, from the Big Bang to the present day.
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life article
Claire de March, a researcher with flair
Portrait Winner of the 2023 Irène Joliot-Curie Prize in the “Young Woman Scientist” category, this research chemist has developed the very first experimental structure of a human olfactory receptor.
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matter video
Recycling using supercritical fluids
Chemistry Whether trainers or batteries, some multilayered objects still resist recycling… not for very long. This report takes you to the ICMCB laboratory where these various elements are separated using supercritical fluids, in the context of...
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society article
A glimpse of everyday life in the Neolithic
Archaeology The exceptional discovery of a settlement dating from 3,000 BC, in the Marais de Saint-Gond region in northeastern France, sheds light on the still largely unknown way of life of Neolithic societies.
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life article
Sacrificing land to oil
Interview Building the petroleum society that is now the basis of our prosperity has come at a cost. Gwenola Le Naour and Renaud Bécot, co-editors of a book on the topic, bring to light the destruction caused by the “petrolisation” of our planet, in France and around the globe.
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life diaporama
Preventing malaria from proliferating
Genetics Malaria affects more than 247 million people throughout the world and may have caused up to 620,000 deaths in 2021. Under the ROAdMAP project¹, Ana Gomes and her team at the Laboratory of Pathogens and Host Immunity² in Montpellier (southern France) are seeking to understand how the parasite...
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Our latest press releases
Abel Prize 2024 awarded to French CNRS mathematician Michel Talagrand
GENCI and CNRS choose Eviden to make the Jean Zay supercomputer one of the most powerful in France
CNRS at VivaTech 2024: basic research tackles the key challenges of tomorrow
France 2030: The CEA, CNRS, and Inria to lead a major national research programme for robotics adapted to human beings
CNRS ranked among the world’s 100 best innovators of 2024
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