Julia Pirotte, a photojournalist and resistance fighter, documented the first day of the Marseille uprising on 21 August, 1944, wielding her camera alongside the freedom fighters. Through her images...
As the Allies commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the CNRS historian Denis Peschanski takes a look behind the scenes and celebrates the vital yet long-neglected role of women and foreigners in...
It has been the very foundation of post-war economic policies, but is the idea of GDP compatible with the goals of the ecological transition? According to some economists, this purely monetary...
Seventy-one years after he disappeared in Budapest, the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who saved tens of thousands of Jews from deportation by giving them Swedish papers, was officially declared...
The 70th anniversary of the Liberation of France provides the opportunity to remember the victims of Nazi persecution, including those, long-overlooked, who were deported for being homosexual. It is...