As indicators of the degradation of permafrost – permanently frozen soil – in mountainous areas, molards are receiving special focus from researchers. In his laboratory in Caen (northwestern France), Calvin Beck is attempting to recreate these cones of debris from landslides.
Engraved on stones and dated to 8,000 and 9,000 years ago, the oldest known plans to scale have recently been published in the journal PLOS ONE. They depict gigantic prehistoric structures known as “...
An increasing number of women are outperforming men in very long ultra-trail races. Do they enjoy better endurance and muscle recovery? Should they be offered different training to reach their full...
CNRS News takes you on a trip to the foot of Snaefellsjökull, a volcano in Iceland close to the heart not only of French writer Jules Verne but also of the researchers at the Institute of Physics of...
Nestled at the heart of the French national museum of natural history (MNHN) in Paris, the Communication Molecules and Micro-Organism Adaptation (MCAM) laboratory, a joint CNRS-MNHN unit, is home to...
The 2022 edition of the LPPI “Proof in Images” competition is here. Discover these winning photos from research, organised by the CNRS with Acfas, its Canadian partner. You can vote for your...
She has just been awarded the 2022 European Inventor Award. Claude Grison, director of the ChimEco laboratory, has developed phytoremediation methods for decontaminating soil and water, using plants...