Saving the ice record in Svalbard's glaciers
04.18.2023 |
The Ice Memory Foundation, which collects ice samples from around the world, is launching a new expedition to the Svalbard Archipelago in Norway. The aim is to collect two ice cores containing the climate and environmental record of the past 300 years.
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Cosmology in turmoil
04.24.2023 |
Two separate measurements of the Hubble constant, a parameter that describes the expansion rate of the Universe, have yielded conflicting results. The discrepancy could lead to the overthrow of the standard model of cosmology.
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Can international law save the oceans?
04.18.2023 |
Now that negotiations for an international treaty aimed at strengthening protection of the oceans have successfully concluded in New York, Pascale Ricard, a specialist in international environmental and maritime law, tells CNRS News about the regulations currently in force and the difficulties in enforcing them, as illustrated by the case of plastic pollution.
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Also this month
Spyware in mobile games
04.11.2023 |
Computer science Games on mobile phones collect all kinds of personal information without our knowledge. The computer science researcher Pierre Laperdrix and his team have studied this surveillance ecosystem and its impact on users.
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Friendly bacteria
04.24.2023 |
Chemistry For several years now, microorganisms have been gravitating from the lab benches of biologists towards the test tubes of chemists. The aim is to study bacteria from a new angle with the prospect of developing novel therapeutic solutions.
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The IPCC issues uncompromising conclusions on climate change
04.28.2023 |
Climate Rounding off eight years of work, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently published its sixth Synthesis Report. The CNRS research professor Gerhard Krinner, who coordinated part of it, tells CNRS News about this document, which was approved by the 195 member States of the UN and will... |
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Biodiversity beneath the tarmac
04.06.2023 |
Ecology Major urban areas leave very little room for biodiversity, often relegating it to a decorative role. The entire concept of the city urgently needs to be revised, to make it more hospitable to flora and fauna – and thus to Homo sapiens.
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Smart grids are essential to the ecological transition
04.27.2023 |
Engineering Sensors and artificial intelligence are now part of electrical grids, creating more “intelligent” networks known as smart grids. The researcher Nouredine Hadjsaid explains the issues and challenges raised by these new systems designed to optimise the balance between electricity production and... |
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