Making sense of science

Detecting muons in Iceland

01.26.2023, by
CNRS News takes you on a trip to the foot of Snaefellsjökull, a volcano in Iceland close to the heart not only of French writer Jules Verne but also of the researchers at the Institute of Physics of the 2 Infinities (IP2I) in Lyon (central eastern France). Their goal is to obtain images of the volcano's interior, so as to monitor its dynamics as well as changes in the thickness of its glacier in real time. Our guide is Jacques Marteau, laureate of the CNRS 2022 Innovation Medal, who uses muography, an innovative technique to image the interior of structures.

Jacques Marteau is a physicist at the IP2I (CNRS / Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1). In 2021 he launched the start-up Muodim. His team has carried out several missions to the Soufrière lava dome, in Guadeloupe, and also installed detectors in several tunnel-boring machines to help with the tunnelling phase of the Grand Paris Express scheme to extend the Paris underground network.

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