Data storage: the DNA revolution
12.15.2021 |
Computer science
Two seminal revolutionary declarations, now stored and encapsulated in DNA, are joining the French national archives (Archives nationales). Behind this project is the DNA Drive technology developed by the researchers Stéphane Lemaire and Pierre Crozet.
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SPIRAL2, the atom factory
12.14.2021 |
In the French city of Caen, GANIL's new heavy ion accelerator, SPIRAL2, has completed commissioning. The custom-built linear accelerator is even more powerful than its predecessor and will pave the way for the exploration, with unparalleled precision, of different scenarios for the formation of matter. CNRS News takes a look at the technical, technological and human prowess that enabled this unique project to be brought to completion.
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Sea monsters at the time of the dinosaurs
12.17.2021 |
Over 60 million years ago, superpredators such as ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs and mosasaurs roamed the seas. But what exactly were these reptiles, which are often incorrectly referred to as “marine dinosaurs”? CNRS News asked three of the authors of “La Mer au Temps des Dinosaures” (“The Oceans at the Time of the Dinosaurs”) to tell us more about these “sea monsters”.
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Also this month
Urban birds, stressed birds
Ethology Birds are an increasingly rare sight in our cities. In this report, researchers from the Centre for Biological Studies of Chizé (CEBC) investigate the problems – noise, light, lack of food – that affect various species of birds in urban areas, and seek solutions to save them from extinction.... |
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Athénan, a multi-champion AI
12.07.2021 |
Computer science Close-up on a French system that won the jackpot at the recent 24th Computer Olympiad, a global multi-game competition for artificial intelligence.
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Ransomware: research strikes back
12.12.2021 |
Computer science All it takes is one click for your computer to be taken hostage by a malware program that will relinquish control only for a ransom. Upon the launch of Cybermallix, a CNRS joint laboratory with the software publisher Wallix, Jean-Yves Marion, director of the LORIA, explains how these attacks work,... |
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Writers know no frontiers
12.12.2021 |
Literature In solidarity with the people of Ukraine, PEN International, the largest worldwide writers’ organisation, has published an open letter signed by more than 1,000 authors to condemn the Russian invasion. On this occasion, we invite you to (re)read our interview with Laetitia Zecchini, co-author of a... |
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Sea urchins under threat
12.07.2021 |
Marine biology Over the past few years, populations of purple sea urchins off the coasts of France have been declining. In Corsica, researchers at the Stella Mare lab, headed by Antoine Aiello, winner of the CNRS 2021 innovation medal, are taking action by monitoring natural populations and restoring stocks.
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Natural radioactivity sustains unsuspected subsurface life
12.06.2021 |
Geochemistry At the bottom of mines or beneath the ocean floor, drillings reveal the presence of vast communities of microorganisms in the subsurface of our planet. Scientists believe this could be due to natural radioactivity in rocks, which may offset the lack of sunlight and organic matter.
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