For the anthropologist Philippe Descola, the Covid-19 pandemic may be the opportunity to re-examine Western societies’ relations with nature and develop new social models.
The CNRS researcher, who was released on 20 March, talks about his imprisonment in Iran. He wonders whether it will be possible to continue conducting scientific work in that country, especially now...
From his home in Montpellier (southern France), the philosopher Edgar Morin reaffirms his global vision of society. The coronavirus epidemic, he says, ought to improve our understanding of science...
Conflicts of interest, merchants of doubt, the influence of private foundations... many factors can cloud scientific discourse. The philosopher Mathias Girel, a specialist in epistemology at the...
A call for proposals launched by the CNRS in the wake of last year's terrorist attacks in Paris led to the submission of a number of projects that focus on radicalization. In September, the CNRS...
Called "13 Novembre" (November 13th), a large-scale research program on the construction of memory will collect and analyze the accounts of 1000 people who were more or less directly...