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Most professional pianists believe that their unique way of playing—posture, fine hand movements—defines a specific piano sound. A team of researchers and professional piano players are testing...


For amputees, controlling a robotic prosthesis is far from a perfect solution. It can take months of training before they can perform basic day-to-day operations. In France, a team of researchers...


If we are to one day communicate naturally with robots, they will need to master not only speech, but also the subtle yet essential rules of non-verbal communication such as posture and eye...


Can human development continue at this pace without causing a loss of biodiversity? A group of researchers at the French Institute of Pondicherry believes so. By studying the impact of human...


Observing the world at the nanometer scale has always been a challenge. Chemists, biologists, physicists and computer scientists worked together to develop a technique so that we can today...


The advent of digital photography has rendered film obsolete. Photo studios either sell their negatives to salvage the tiny amounts of silver contained in their coating or they just burn...