As indicators of the degradation of permafrost – permanently frozen soil – in mountainous areas, molards are receiving special focus from researchers. In his laboratory in Caen (northwestern France), Calvin Beck is attempting to recreate these cones of debris from landslides.
The archeological site of Sedeinga, in northern Sudan, provides unprecedented evidence of the funeral rites of the kingdoms of Napata and Meroe that ruled this region from the seventh to fourth...
Microalgae could become an alternative to oil, a source of edible protein, while also recycling carbon dioxide. They could provide a sustainable and environmentally-friendly solution to our...
The Coriolis rotating platform is the world’s only research structure of its kind devoted to fluid mechanics. First set up in the 1960s at the Laboratoire des écoulements géophysiques et industriels...
Like all members of the dolphin family, pilot whales have a highly developed acoustic sense. But what of their sense of taste and smell? Can they perceive odors and flavors? What organs are involved...
Flipper, a shellfish-capturing robot and the latest brainchild of the Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier (LIRMM), has just been tested in the waters off...
In the Mediterranean region, various platforms provide information about the impact of climate change on ecosystems. In particular, they simulate the decline in rainfall, one of the main threats to...