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newsletter July 2024

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This month in science (July 2024)
matter society article
Innovation hat trick
innovation Cyril Aymonier, Lydéric Bocquet and Eleni Diamanti are the three recipients of the CNRS 2024 Innovation Medal, which rewards male and female scientists whose research has led to groundbreaking technological, therapeutic or social innovation.
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life digital article
Single-cell technologies mark the dawn of a new era
Biology Single-cell technologies for the analysis of genomic data enable scientists to better study tissue mechanisms and heterogeneity at the scale of a cell. They also generate masses of wide-ranging data that takes cell biology into a new era.
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space diaporama
Largest-ever digital camera set to scan the Universe
astrophysics It took hundreds of scientists worldwide, including several CNRS teams, to produce the world’s largest digital camera, the LSST (Legacy Survey of Space and Time), which has finally arrived in Chile. Mounted on the telescope at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, it will scan the southern sky in order to investigate and map the Universe, determine the nature of dark energy and dark matter, and even detect any asteroids that might pose a threat to our...
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Also this month
life article
Sylvie Rétaux, the all-terrain biologist
Portrait For the past 20 years, this specialist in developmental and evolutionary biology has been passionately dedicated to studying a small fish that lives in the waters of Central America. So much so that she took up speleology in order to explore deep caves in Mexico, where she can observe it in its...
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society article
Anthropology tracks the Invisible
Interview Haunted houses, ghosts, spirits… From Mongolia to the United Kingdom, the anthropologist Grégory Delaplace investigates the various ways in which the dead manifest themselves to the living. He takes these “apparitions” seriously, refusing to prejudge whether a given case is scientific fact or faith...
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life article
The call of the forest
Biodiversity Forests cover a third of the world's land surface. Although they provide us with invaluable services, they are now under so much pressure that we are faced with our own contradictions between their sometimes conflicting roles as sanctuaries for biodiversity, or (over)logged sources of materials.
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society article
Screening 20 years of far right activism in Europe
History For the European research project FARPO (Far Right Protest Observatory), the political science researchers Caterina Froio and Pietro Castelli Gattinara are gathering and analysing data on the extra-parliamentary activism of far right parties and movements since 2008.
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Our latest press releases
James Webb space telescope provides first hints of evidence of the existence of an ocean exoplanet
A new collaboration between public and private research studying the electromagnetism of ships
Discovery of a new defence mechanism in bacteria
A new breakthrough in understanding regeneration in a marine worm
The most endangered fish are the least studied
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