Making sense of science

Newsletter July 2023

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This month in science (July 2023)
matter article
A gigantic hydrogen deposit in northeast France?
Geology Researchers have discovered a potential natural hydrogen deposit under the coalfields of the northeastern French Lorraine region – possibly the world’s largest reserve of this gas!
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matter article
Euclid on a quest to understand dark energy
Universe The expansion of the Universe is accelerating as a result of an enigmatic phenomenon called dark energy. To try to discover what this really is, the Euclid space telescope has been launched on a six-year observation mission that could totally change the way we see the Universe.
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life article
The dawn of digital oncology
Digital In the southwestern French town of Toulouse, a team of experts in computer science and oncology is developing software to improve the management of patients and accelerate research.
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Also this month
life article
The endless cycle of pandemics
Biology Conditions remain conducive to the emergence of new pathogens capable of triggering pandemics. Environmental degradation and the ever-faster movement of people and goods are compounded by the extraordinary adaptability of bacteria, viruses and fungi.
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matter article
Touching on vacuum energy
Physics According to quantum theory, a vacuum is actually packed full of energy. Scientists are currently working on an experiment designed to show that it can even slow light down and deflect it.
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matter video
Hydrogen The green revolution ?
Chemistry In the quest for a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, hydrogen is a serious contender. But it still has to be tamed... In this report, a number of researchers and industrialists retrace the long scientific and technical history of hydrogen, a promising resource for a "greener" future....
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society article
Cryptocurrencies beyond the buzz
Digital An amazing invention or a public danger? In their soon-to-be fifteen years of existence, cryptoassets have shown that they are a source of opportunity as well as risk, and pose challenges for regulators. These issues have drawn the attention of researchers in economics.
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space article
Wanda Diaz-Merced, the astronomer who listens to the stars
Portrait Blind since her teenage years, Wanda Diaz-Merced has developed a technique called “sonification” to convert astrophysical signals into sounds. Building on the success of this impressive tool for research and inclusion, she is an eloquent advocate for making science open to people of all abilities.
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society article
Urbex, the thrill of urban exploration
Interview Exploring disused sites such as factories, barracks, and former sanatoriums – regardless of danger or whether it is permitted – has become a social phenomenon. The historian Nicolas Offenstadt, an urbex specialist and enthusiast, has delved into this global frenzy.
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Mars: Was Olympus Mons once a giant volcanic island?
A new French-American laboratory for the physics of atomic nuclei
Secrets of Egyptian painters revealed by chemistry
IBIS: More Efficient Battery for Autos and Stationary Power
First light for HiRISE, an innovative instrument designed for the study of exoplanets
New Franco-Thai laboratory to investigate connections between biodiversity and human health
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