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Newsletter May 2023

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This month in science (May 2023)
life article
Fighting antibiotic resistance
Health The proliferation of resistance to treatments against infections is a threat to human health. To face up to this situation, scientists are tracking the appearance and spread of the genetic determinants that help pathogens fight antibiotics, and are constantly innovating in terms of therapeutic and preventive strategies.
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society diaporama
Presenting the world's oldest architectural plans
Archaeology Engraved on stones and dated to 8,000 and 9,000 years ago, the oldest known plans to scale have recently been published in the journal PLOS ONE. They depict gigantic prehistoric structures known as “desert kites” that were designed to trap wild animals, and were discovered in the deserts of Jordan and Saudi Arabia by researchers from the Archéorient laboratory (1) and their colleagues.
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life society article
Neuroscience to the rescue against sexual violence
Interview Although a global scourge, sexual violence is by no means inevitable. It can be curbed, in particular thanks to recent discoveries on the brain and its phenomenal plasticity. The neurobiologists Danièle Tritsch and Jean Mariani, authors of Sexe et Violence. Comment le cerveau peut tout changer (“Sex and Violence. How the brain could change everything”), explain how.
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Also this month
life article
The truth behind the placebo effect
Medicine Even without deception, a placebo can still be effective – provided certain precautions are taken before it is administered. A study by CNRS experts at the TIMC interdisciplinary health laboratory offers an explanation.
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society article
The holy Hittite city of Zippalanda finally identified
Archaeology Historians who decipher cuneiform texts frequently discover names of ancient cities that they are unable to locate on a map. In addition, the original designations of many sites excavated by archaeologists in the Near and Middle East have yet to be determined. Discovering the names they were known...
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life article
Reconciling people and wildlife in the Okavango
Report In Botswana’s Okavango Delta, thousands of local villagers suffer the consequences of coexisting with protected wildlife species: livestock attacked by lions, crops destroyed by elephants… The researchers of the ProSuLi project are trying to find solutions.
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digital article
Towards environmentally-friendly cryptoassets?
Computer science Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have been criticised for the huge amounts of electricity required to make them secure. Researchers are exploring new pathways towards more virtuous blockchains.
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Latest press releases
Oceanographic cruise to further elucidate how ocean stores carbon
Study demonstrates Greek rights to the Parthenon Marbles
Agricultural intensification is driving a decline in bird populations across Europe
The CNRS at VivaTech: Discover the major challenges of tomorrow
Liver cells control our biological clock
New molecule to target and eradicate cancer cells with light
James Webb Space Telescope reveals composition of protoplanetary disc
BathyBot: A robot wakes up in the depths of the Mediterranean
Parking problems seen from the standpoint of physics
The intestine as a remedy to aging
The Moon's heart revealed for the first time
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