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Jean-François Guillemoles is Director of Research at the CNRS and the French director of NextPV, an International Associated Laboratory (LIA) between the CNRS and the University of Tokyo, where he is currently a visiting professor. His research focuses on new photovoltaic conversion systems with particular interest on ultimate efficiency designs, as well as the chemical and electronic activities of defects in semiconductors. Visiting scholar at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) in 1995 and the at the UNSW (Australia) in 2005, he also taught the "energy materials" course at the French Ecole Polytechnique between 2009 and 2014 as professor lecturer. Finally, he is also coordinator of the research program on new solar photovoltaic concepts at the Institut de photovoltaïque d'Ile de France (IPVF, Saclay). Jean-François Guillemoles was awarded the CNRS Bronze Medal in 1999.