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Christophe Rodo

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Christophe Rodo
Christophe Rodo

Christophe Rodo is currently completing his PhD in neuroscience at Aix-Marseille Université.1 His thesis focuses on the brain mechanisms of memory recognition, a process at the interface between perception and memory. Using several methodological approaches, Christophe Rodo studies the complex interaction between the hippocampus and parahippocampal structures during this type of process. Passionate about scientific popularization, he participated in the local organization of Brain Awareness Week, launched a scientific popularization event giving more visibility to young researchers, and regularly participates in various public events. He also runs a French blog (Cerveau en Argot) and a weekly radio chronicle about neuroscience (La Tête Dans Le Cerveau). Follow him on twitter: @Christophe_Rodo and listen to his podcast: La Tête Dans Le Cerveau.

  • 1. LNC / INS / ISM.
