Researchers submitted various scenarios to three chatbots, including ChatGPT, to see whether they took human values into account in their answers to questions.
Forty years after its discovery, HIV-AIDS has become a chronic disease thanks to triple therapies. Yet there is still no known cure for it and a vaccine is nowhere in sight. Monsef Benkirane, a...
The fossiliferous site of Bolt's Farm, in South Africa, spans millions of years of history, including episodes of climate change that impacted early hominids and their environment. To study it,...
The LIGO and Virgo observatories have announced the very first sightings of the merger of a black hole and a neutron star. These discoveries should help gain a better understanding of how these...
The first identified cases of AIDS, in 1981, caused an outbreak of panic, along with widespread discrimination. Since medical science initially proved powerless, people with AIDS and support groups...
With more than 2 000 engraved shelters, the forest of Fontainebleau is home to one of Europe’s largest rock art complexes. A research mission in the Paris region is focusing on geometric engravings,...
A vast collaborative project on hybrid artificial intelligence, led by the CNRS's subsidiary in Singapore and allocated a budget of €35 million over five years, will begin in late 2021.